Jeremiah Daniel Multi-Instrumentalist with various influences.

Based in United Kingdom

Surbiton, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Main band photo

Surbiton, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

up to 100 miles

from £25 (GBP)

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Price Guide

Description Price
Solo Keyboard/Piano/Bass/Acoustic guitar for 1 hour£30 (GBP)

About / Biography

I am a musician looking forward to working with other musicians, singers, producers, artists etc.

I play the Bass Guitar, Piano, Keyboards, Acoustic and Rhythm guitar and a bit of ukulele and drums.

I have almost 10 years of experience as a performing musician and i play a wide variety of genres.

I can pickup and learn new music and musical styles quickly and I can play by ear and improvise too.

I can compose music and can produce too.

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Based in United Kingdom

Surbiton, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Travels up to 100 miles
green circle = areas covered (up to 100 miles)
Travel areas on the map are approximate (distances may vary) free quote

Technical Info

What are your basic technical requirements?

As a solo musician, I need a performance spce of at least 2x2 metres, a grounded/earthed power supply.

What information do you require about a venue?

Sound limit. Time of arrival, location. Job requirement. PA system, Audio equipment etc

Do you provide sound and lighting equipment?


Can you provide a Spotify/DJ service before and between your sets?

Yes, I'm happy to play music from Spotify before, after and between our sets. I'm happy to choose the music ourselves or let the client choose the music.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best gig you've ever done and the best venue you've ever worked at?

Church services for 10 years on a big stage. Weddings, private events etc.

What's your favourite type of event?

Weddings, Functions,Parties, Services etc

What's your previous experience and how did you start gigging?

I started playing music at church 10 years ago. Later, I started igging for events.

Which artists have you been most influenced by, who is your favourite artist and what is the greatest song of all time?

I've been influenced by Gospel artists, esecially Black Gospel music. I've also heavily been influenced by Funk, Jazz, Southern Gospel, Blues, Soul, RnB, Pop etc.


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