Contact us

Simply click reset your password from the login page. Make sure you enter the email address you used when you registered.

Normally you can expect to hear back from suppliers within 48 hours. Sometimes it can take a while to hear back from suppliers if they are away on contracts, on holiday, unavailable due to sickness etc. If you don't hear back within 48 hours please contact us below and we will do our best to help.

If you are a supplier looking to be featured on Gig Heaven, please take the tour to find out how it works, or skip straight to the register page.

Yes! We have a dedicated team ready to help you with any requirements you have. Please see our concierge service.

Start by sending an enquiry to any of the suppliers on Gig Heaven. If you prefer, you can add multiple suppliers to your favourites and contact them all at once. Then you will be able to type messages directly to the supplier or join a video/audio meeting (like a Zoom call) directly from your account.

If you decide to go ahead with a booking, direct contact details (email address & phone number) will be shared automatically as soon as the booking is confirmed.

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Let us plan your event

If you need help finding suppliers for your event you can get our suggestions completely free!

Concierge Service

Register as a supplier

If you are a supplier looking to be featured on this site please register below.


Take the tour

Want to know more about how Gig Heaven works? Take the tour!

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